“America is not a pile of goods… America is a dream of greater justice and opportunity for the average man and, if we can not obtain it, all our other achievements amount to nothing.” ― Eleanor Roosevelt

“Ecological agriculture allows us to make peace with the earth, soil and the society.” ― Vandana Shiva

The river moves from land to water to land, in and out of organisms, … you cannot separate the land from the water, or the people from the land. ― Lynn Noel

The 21st Century will be the era of nurture capital, built around principles of carrying capacity, care of the commons, sense of place and non-violence. ― Slow Money Principle III.

“When people, land, and community are as one, all three members prosper; when they relate not as members but as competing interests, all three are exploited. …” ― The Land Institute

“The soil is the great connector of lives, the source and destination of all. It is the healer and restorer and resurrector, by which disease passes into health, age into youth, death into life.” ― Wendell Berry

Grants 2024

American Friends Services Committee

Philadelphia, PA
Project: General Operations New Mexico People of the Land.

Berkshire Adventures

Great Barrington, MA
Project: Sponsorship for Climate Adaptation Workshop.

Chef Empowerment

Gainesville, FL
Project: General operating support for a pilot youth internship program for farm to table culinary learning.


So. Deerfield, MA
Project: Growing Resilience Fund.


So. Deerfield, MA
Project: To support the continued effort to provide local, sustainable food and food system infrastructure improvements and diversity in Hampden and Hampshire Counties in Massachusetts, including increasing SNAP opportunities.

The Cornucopia Project

Perterborough, NH
Project: To support the work-study positions of the high school students at the farm.

Cultural Arts Coalition

Gainesville, FL
Project: General operating support for the Cultural Arts Coalition Science Academy and Gardening Programs, the transport van and science bus administrative costs, and bookkeeping and payroll services.

Cultural Arts Coalition

Gainesville, FL
Project: General operating support for the Cultural Arts Coalition transport van and science bus administrative and repair costs.

Farm to Table

Santa Fe, NM
Project: General operations.


San Geronimo, CA
Project: Project: General support for continued development of regional fiber systems through co development of leadership and affilitate capacity to implement equity centered values and principles.

Food Bank of Western Massachusetts

Hatfield, MA
Project: Food Bank No Till Farm Operating Support

Forage, Inc. d/b/a Working Food

Gainesville, FL
Project: Project: General operating support for operating expenses to cover the addition of an ED position for the first year.

Forage, Inc. d/b/a Working Food

Gainesville, FL
Project: General operating support for operating expenses of Working Food programs.

Franklin County CDC

Greenfield, MA
Project: To support the funding of a new Community based loan fund in the Pioneer Valley of western Massachusetts.

Gaining Ground

Concord, MA
Project: General Operating with focus on volunteer workforce training.

Greater Duval Neighborhood Association

Gainesville, FL
Project: Project: General operating support for the Greater Duval Neighborhood Association administrative expenses necessary to build and expand programs for youth and seniors in the Duval Neighborhood.

Grow Food Northampton

Florence, MA
Project: General operating support.

Health Care Without Harm

Reston, VA
Project: Development of Food Is Medicine Northeast Food Project.

National Young Farmers Coalition

Hudson, NY
Project: Project: General support for the Farm Bill Impact Fund fellowship program, coalition building, and general support for young farmers to address key issues of land access that protect land and conserve water, and address climate resilience.

New Mexico Farmers Marketing Association

Santa Fe, NM
Project:  General Operating grant to provide continued support for the local food producers and distributors of New Mexico’s state‐wide food

Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains

Denver, CO
Project: General operating grant to support the healthcare and educational support that PPRM provides to its patients and the general public.

Positive Futures Network

Bainbridge Island, WA
Project: General operating support.

Post Carbon Institute

Corvallis, OR
Project: Project: General operating support for development of educational programming within the Resilience Institute and Community Resilience Framework for further development of educational content and communications for navigating the Great Unraveling.

Quivira Coalition

Santa Fe, NM
Project: Project: General operating support for the Coalition’s community outreach and education efforts, their various programs including those promoting regenerative agriculture, soil carbon sequestration, and apprenticeships for new farmers, ranchers, and First Nations members.

Quivira Coalition

Santa Fe, NM
Project: Sponsor 2024 Regenerate Conference.

Rebuilding Together North Central Florida

Gainesville, FL
Project: General support for continued expansion of the CWC’s organizational capacity and core operations (energy surveys, energy upgrades, training, recruitment, and outreach) as they undertake an ambitious agenda implementing their Best Practices Manual, continuing research on effective energy efficiency measures and partnering with IFAS extension for county and state-wide outreach.

Sterling College

Craftsbury, VT
Project: Project: General support for curriculum and operational expenses for initiatives of the Rian Fried Center that support agroecology, ecological thinking and action in the realm of sustainable agriculture and food systems.

Western Landowners Alliance

Denver, CO
Project: General operating support for capacity building and the Courage to Lead Campaign.

Western Landowners Alliance

Denver, CO
Project: Project: General operating funding to advance policies and practices that will increase the health and biological diversity of working lands across the West.

Western MA Training Consortium

Holyoke, MA
Project: The Peoples Medicine Project Volunteer Coordinator Position.

The Lydia B. Stokes Foundation is committed to the Quaker philosophy of peace and justice. The Foundation supports building resilient, healthy communities by focusing on social and economic justice, regenerative organic agriculture, viable, healthy ecosystems, quality of life issues, development of local food systems, local energy security and peace initiatives.

This vision of interconnected Life and Living Values directs our grant making and drives our investment decisions